The Old Quadra Street Cemetery was a lovesome place, but now it was as full as the law would allow. So they put a change and a padlock round the pickets of the gate to keep the dead in and the living out, and dedicated a new portion of cleared raw land at Ross Bay for Victoria’s burying. It was a treeless, wind-swept place of gravely soil and blaring sunshine. One side of the…

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There was to be a wedding., the first in the family. Everyone was in a twitter. Bigger, Middle and Small were to be bridesmaids. Small had no idea what a wedding was all about. Pretty Tallie was  crying her eyes out because Bishop Cridge had been detained up north and would not be back in time to do it., so a strange clergyman was brought in. What “it” was, Small had no idea except…

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I am sure our childhood could not have been comprehended any human, a more Almighty being on earth, than was my Father. His word was absolute. He was stern but we reverenced him more for that.  Father told us that God had appointed man three score and ten to live on this earth, and he himself died punctually at seventy. I think he would have considered it like given God backchat to over overstepped…

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