Loo’s strong,beautiful pups found a ready market. A soldier in Victoria owned a fine Old English Bobtail Sheepdog. When he went to the war his Bobtail was desolate. I heard of the dog and went to the soldier’s house, saw the shaggy huddle of misery watching the street corner around which his master had disappeared. I knocked on the house-door; the dog paid no heed, as if there was nothing now in that house that…

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The ideas of a Bobtail kennel did not rush into my mind with a sudden burst. It matured slowly, growing from a sincere love of and admiration for the breed, awaked by my dog, Billie, a half-bred Old English Bobtail Sheep-dog. Billie’s Bobtail half was crammed with the loyalty, lovableness, wisdom, courage and kindness of the breed. His something-else half was negligible, though it debarred him from the show bench. Heart, instincts, intelligence-all were…

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He was crude, enormous, coarse; his fleshy hands had fingers like bananas. You could feel their weight in the way they swung at the end of his arms. Ridiculous that he should choose the Doll’s Flat for a home while he was grinding out the life of his little third wife. She was slowly disintegrating under the grim, cruel bullying. The Doll’s Flat suited his purpose because he could keep his eye on all…

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