The dogs and I were absorbing sultry calm under the big maple tree in their play-field. They sprawled on the parched grass, not awake enough to seek trouble, not asleep enough to be unaware of the slightest happening. A most extraordinary noise was happening, a metallic gurgle that rasped in even-spaced screeches. The noise stopped at our gate; every dog made a dash. Punk and Loo, who had been sitting on top of the…

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In the public market the butcher’s scale banged down with a clank. The butcher grinned first at the pointer, then at me. The meat on the scale was worth far more than I was paying. “Bobtails,” murmured the butcher caressingly–“Bobtails is good dogs!…’Member the little ‘un I bought from your kennel a year back?” “I do. Hope she turned out well–good worker?” “Good worker! You bet. More sick nurse than cattle driver. Our Min’s…

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The earth was fairly peppered with David Harbin’s cousins. No matter what part of the world was mentioned David said, “I have a cousin out there.” David was a London lawyer. During law vacation he visited cousins all over the world. He always came to see me when visiting Canadian cousins. David and I were sitting on my garden bench talking. David said, “My last visit (to a Canadian cousin) has left me very…

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