Poetical extravagance over “pearly dew and daybreak” does not ring true when that most infernal of inventions, the alarm clock, wrenches you from sleep, rips a startled heart from your middle and tosses it on to an angry tongue, to make ugly splutterings not complimentary to the new morning; down upon you spills cold shiveriness–a new day’s responsibilities have come. To part from pillow and blanket is like bidding goodbye to all your relatives…

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She was a bride just returned from honeymooning, this first tenant of mine. Already she was obviously bored with a very disagreeable husband. In her heart she knew he was not proud of her. He kept his marriage to this Canadian girl secret from his English mother. The bride was a shocking housekeeper and dragged round all day in boudoir cap, frowsy negligee and mules–slip, slop, slip, slop. In my basement I could hear…

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Roof, walls, floor can pinch to hurting while they are homing you, or they can hug and enfold. Hurt enclosed is hurting doubled; to spread misery thins it. That is why pain is easier to endure out in the open. Space draws it from you. Enclosure squeezes it close. I know I hurt my tenants sometimes–I wanted to; they hurt me! It took a long time to grind me into the texture of a landlady,…

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