Death had been snooping round for a week. Everyone in the house knew how close he was. The one he wanted lay in my spare room but she was neither here nor there. She was beyond our reach, deaf to our voices. The sun and spring air came into her room–a soft-coloured, contented room. The new green of spring was close outside the windows. The smell of wall-flower and sweet alyssum rose from the garden,…

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His hand trembled–so did his voice. “You will leave the door of your flat unlocked tonight? So that I could reach the ‘phone?” “Certainly.” He went to the door, stood there, clinging to the knob as if he must hold on to something. “Beautiful night,” he said and all the while he was turning up his coat collar because of the storming rain outside. He went into the night. I closed the door; the…

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From the moment key and rent exchanged hands a subtle change took place in the attitude of renter towards owner. The tenant was obviously anxious to get you out, once the flat was hers. She might have known, silly thing, that you wanted to be out–before she began to re-arrange things. Bump, bump, bump! It would never do to let a landlady think her taste and arrangement were yours. Particularly women with husbands made…

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