Father was a stern straight man. Straight legs and shoulders; straight side-trim to his beard, the ends of which were straight-cut across his chest. From under heavy eyebrows his look was direct, though once in a rare while a little twinkle forced its way through. Then something was likely to happen. Our family had to whiz around Father like a top round its peg. It was Sunday. Father was carving the saddle of mutton.

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My Sister Alice was two years older than I and knew a lot. Lizzie was two years older than Alice and thought she knew it all. My great big sister _did_ know everything. Mother knew all about God. Father knew all about the earth. I knew more than our baby, but I was always wondering and wondering. Some wonders started inside you just like a stomach-ache. Some started in outside things when you saw,…

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Now that I am eight, the same age that Lizzie was when the party happened, and am getting quite near to being grown-up, I can see how shamed poor Lizzie must have been of me then. Now I know why the Langleys, who were so old, gave a party for us who were so little, but then I was only four so I did not wonder about it at all, nor notice that the…

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