You have been invited her tonight to view this exhibition on the walls that a suggestion may be put before you for your consideration. Vi, the converting of these rooms into a small picture gallery for the use of the people of Victoria. The Arts and Crafts, a society of long standing in Victoria has rendered valuable service to Victoria by providing a yearly exhibition and also holding sketch classes. But there would seem…

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One day, in answer to a gentle knock, I found a little Indian mother. There was a fat baby on her back, lased to it by a gay plaid shawl. She had a full skirt full of loud plaid material, a bright yellow silk handkerchief about her head. A little girl hung unto the mother’s skirt and a heavy boy dawdled behind.  “Basket?” She undid a very large bundle tied at the four corners…

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I was born in Victoria, BC, in 1871. On leaving high school, I went to San Francisco as a student at the Mark Hopkins School of Art and spent three years there. I returned to Victoria and taught children’s classes and saved up for trip to Europe. I attended the Westminster School of Art in London. But after the free, wild life of the West, London wilted the very life out of me, so…

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