Everything was five and a half years older than when I left home but then so was I—five of the most impressionable years of life past. I was glad some things had changed, sorry others had. I was sorry to say good-bye to my little self—I mean the little self that is always learning things without knowing that it is doing so. It was nice now to go to church by choice and not…

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Just before I left England a letter came from Cariboo, out in British Columbia. It said, “Visit us at our Cariboo Ranch on your way west.” The inviters were intimate friends of my girlhood. They had married while I was in England. Much of their love-making had been done in my old barn studio. The husband seconded his wife’s invitation, saying in a P.S., “Make it a long visit. Leave the C.P.R. train at…

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When they were about nine months old, my birds began to get very quarrelsome, damaging each other by fighting. From my bed I heard trouble in the cage but I could not go to them. I had now been in the Sanatorium for over a year. I was losing, not gaining. At last, to my dismay, I found that all my contemporaries were either dead or had gone home to continue the outdoor treatment…

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