“Why not?” Mr. Harris said and closed the book of New York’s splendours he had been showing me, photographs of the gigantic wonders, her skyscrapers, bridges, stations, elevated railways. “Why not see New York now, while you are on this side of the continent? It is only a step across the line. New York is well worth the effort.” I protested, “I hate enormous cities cram-jam with humanity. I hate them!” Mr. Harris said…

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I came home from France stronger in body, in thinking, and in work than I had returned from England. My seeing had broadened. I was better equipped both for teaching and study because of my year and a half in France, but still mystified, baffled as to how to tackle our big West. I visited in Victoria, saw that it was an impossible field for work; then I went to Vancouver and opened a…

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“Two parrots out in Canada waiting your return! Is it absolutely necessary that you buy another, Millie?” “Those at home are green parrots; this is an African-grey. I have always wanted an African-grey frightfully. Here we are in Liverpool, actually at Cross’s, world-wide animal distributors—it is the opportunity of a lifetime.” Perhaps pity of my green, seasick face softened my sister’s heart and opened her purse. Half the price of the “African-grey” stole into…

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