“Ladies approaching seventy must not expect to work like girls of seventeen—it is unreasonable.” The doctor’s voice was reproving but kindly. “Overdoing has enraged your heart. To begin with we will see what a good long rest in hospital will do.” “How long?” The doctor resorted to a professional shrug and the spreading of his palms. “Another thing . . .” he paused . . . His eyes roved round my studio, finally resting…

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Woods you are very sly, picking those moments when you are quiet and off guard to reveal yourselves to us, folding us into your calm, accepting us to the sway, the rhythm of your spaces, space interwoven with the calm that rests forever in you. For all that you stand so firmly rooted, so still, you quiver, there is movement in every leaf. Woods you are not only a group of trees. Rather you…

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My first impression of Lawren Harris, his work, his studio have never changed, never faltered. His work and example did more to influence my outlook upon Art than any school or any master. They had given me mechanical foundation. Lawren Harris looked higher, dug deeper. He did not seek to persuade others to climb his ladder. He steadied their own, while they got foothold. The day that I picked my way over that Toronto…

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