The laws of Sunhill Sanatorium were primarily made for the T.B.’s. Those patients not T.B. were more or less free-lances. We were therefore pounced upon by T.B. patients as legitimate prey to question for information regarding the “how bad state” of new patients. I never walked with the ‘Ups’; otherwise…

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A nurse from London, doing ‘Special’, was singing. The piano was at the end of the long dining-hall. ‘Ups’ were grouped around it listening. The nurse’s voice was neither good nor bad. The music carried across the court to the patients’ rooms under the wings. All sounds were common property…

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I don’t know how I got to know Mrs. Downie because she was exclusive. “Come to tea and bring your doings,” she invited. For the moment my “doings” were effigies of the two Doctors. The ‘Ups’ bought wooden dolls for me at the village shop in Stillfield. I adapted and…

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