Scrap’s baby was nervy and fretful. She was brought occasionally to the San to visit her mother. Scrap had seen so little of her child, since the babe was old enough to take notice, that the child preferred her nurse. The woman spoiled her. Scrap groaned when the child turned…

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Hokey had appendicitis; went up to London for operating; left me high and dry as a beach-log cast beyond flood-tide. I was nobody’s patient and was again a ‘Down’ confined to bed. When Bunker’s mumpy face and fallen arches shuffled round my room I feigned sleep. Ada’s violence shattered all…

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It was the San Event. Everything timed back to last year’s or forward to next year’s Picnic. Unless death actually had his finger poked into you, no one able to stand on his two feet missed the Picnic; otherwise he would be considered a funker. The Picnic lingered on patients’…

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