It was strange that the first and only specially built, specially lighted studio I ever owned should have been a torment for me to work in. Through the studio only could you enter my four-room flat. A tap at the door-I was caught there at my easel; I felt…

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The most awkward situation for the inexperienced young landlady was how to deal with “unweds.” Every apartment house gets them. They are often undiscernible, even to the experienced. One learns in time to catch on to little indications…. The supposed husband makes all arrangements, the supposed wife approving of…

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Sometimes a word or two in Pillcrest’s poems jingled. More occasionally a couple of words made sense. They flowed from her lips in a sing-song gurgle, spinning like pennies, and slapping down dead. Mrs. Pillcrest was a small, spare woman with opaque blue eyes. While the poems were tinkling…

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