London was unbearable. August was exceptionally hot. Aunt Amelia lived in West Kensington—one of those houses in a straight row all alike and smeared with smug gentility. I felt the shackles of propriety pinch me before the door was shut. The six PG’s without one direct look amongst them…

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The woman in the deck chair next to mine stroked a strand of red hair from her forehead with a freckled hand. “Oh, my head!” “Have my smelling bottle.” She took three long sniffs and then pointed the bottle across the deck. “Awful woman!” indicating a loud, lounging woman…

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Immediately upon my return from the West Coast Mission, I tasted two experiences for the first time—love, and poetry. Poetry was pure joy, love more than half pain. I gave my love where it was not wanted; almost simultaneously an immense love was offered to me which I could…

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