When they were about nine months old, my birds began to get very quarrelsome, damaging each other by fighting. From my bed I heard trouble in the cage but I could not go to them. I had now been in the Sanatorium for over a year. I was losing,…

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I worked in Bushey till late Autumn, then decided to winter again in St. Ives. But first I must return to my London boarding house and get my winter clothing from a trunk stored at Mrs. Dodds! (We were allowed to store trunks in her basement at tuppence a…

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The Station Master’s direction was accurate. “Bushey? Turn by that ’ere pub and keep a-goin’.” The road was a long squirm without any actual turnings. Herkomer had built a theatre in connection with his Bushey art school; more time was now devoted to drama, they said, than to Art.

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