The Brocks had a long pew at the top of the church. The pew had an opulent cushion and footstool upholstered in crimson. On Sunday mornings Mrs. Brock, stiff and demure, sat at the far end of the pew, and Robert Brock, comfortable and paternal, at the other. The…

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It was noon. Save for an attendant or two, the flowers had the great building to themselves. Exquisite hothouse “exotics” stared at wholesome “garden blooms” and claimed no kinship, but the perfume mingled without snobbery, and the smell of the flowershow was one smell, immense, magnificent. Tyler’s lily exhibit…

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There was trouble at Bessy’s. Jimmy Jacob brought the yellow “hully-up paper” the last lap of its journey by canoe. His lean, brown hand put it into the hand of Jenny Smith, which was plump and old—also Indian. It was the first wire Jenny had ever seen. Having delivered…

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