My lungs being healthy I was not of much interest to Dr. Bottle. Once in a while I received an apathetic visit. On one of these occasions she said, “There is a possibility I may be going out to Canada; tell me about the climate in the West. Western Canadian…

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A new patient was put to bed, all his peculiarities noted, entered in the Doom Book. Had he one or two lungs? was he emaciated or naturally lean? cheerful dispositioned or grumpy? possessed of a poor appetite or just pernickety? When this knowledge had been ascertained and recorded, Doctor McNair…

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Downs’ kept their beds; ‘Ups’ walked in all weathers and went to the dinner-table; ‘Semis’ lay prone on lounge chairs upon the Circular Porch, the better part of most days. The Circular Porch was a dreary place. The long row of chairs was circled to fit its surroundings. They had…

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