A gaunt creature, wobbling between dignity and weakness, made her first appearance on the terrace. She chose the lounge chair that was between one occupied by a woman with transparent ringed hands and another containing an abnormally clerical parson, with a collar like a retaining wall. When the new patient…

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Dr. Bottle bustled down from London. Nothing so delighted her as to get some patient a little out of the ordinary. “Youngest yet!” she purred, leading the way to the largest, most expensive room in the San. A young couple followed carrying a baby, a pitiful little wreck. Both parents…

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The garden lay in a shallow valley tucked between the hill on which stood the San and a moundy hillock where sheep grazed. When the wind blew from the west, you smelled the sheep and heard their mock-meek bleats. The little valley caught and held all the sunshine. Great cabbages,…

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